終於把第一版的1.15.2 繁體中文模組 源包 做出來了
第一版支援了 115個模組
高級鉤爪發射器 Advanced Hook Launchers(adhooks)
植物魔法全能工具 AIOT Botania (aiotbotania)
多段跳 Air Hop (airhop)
神化 Apotheosis (apotheosis)
水產養殖 Aquaculture2 (aquaculture)
弓箭手悖論 Archer's Paradox (archers_paradox)
大氣層 Atmospheric (atmospheric)
秋原 Autumnity (autumnity)
超多生物域 Biomes O' Plenty (biomesoplenty)
盆栽樹 Bonsai Trees (bonsaitrees2)
植物魔法 Botania (botania)
植物盆栽 Botany Pots (botanypots)
懸賞 Bountiful (bountiful)
建築小幫手 Building Gadgets (buildinggadgets)
蜜蜂嗡嗡 Buzzier Bees(buzzierbees)
螯蝦先生的家具模組 MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod (cfm)
木炭塊 charcoalblock
魅力 Charm (charm)
舒適用品 Comforts (comforts)
電腦 ComputerCraft(computercraft)
傻瓜烹飪 Cooking for Blockheads (cookingforblockheads)
古玩 Curios API (curios)
黑暗實用物品 Dark Utilities (darkutils)
裝飾方塊 Decorative Blocks (decorative_blocks)
天才小狗 Doggy Talents (doggytalents)
裝修工藝 EmbellishCraft (embellishcraft)
終界擴充The Endergetic Expansion (endergetic)
萬象 Ensorcellation (ensorcellation)
必需品 Essentials (essentials)
擴展燈具 Extended Lights (extlights)
額外硬碟 Extra Disks (extradisks)
通量網路 Flux Networks (fluxnetworks)
禁忌與奧秘 Forbidden and Arcanus (forbidden_arcanus)
果樹 Fruit Trees (fruittrees)
哥布林商人Goblin Traders (goblintraders)
額外魔像 Extra Golems (golems)
衛兵村民 Guard Villagers (guardvillagers)
工業前鋒 Industrial Foregoing(industrialforegoing)
庫存資料(整理包包) Inventory Profiles (inventoryprofiles)
庫存分類器 Inventory Sorter (inventorysorter)
鐵箱子 Iron Chests (ironchest)
旅行地圖 JourneyMap (journeymap)
明亮的燈 Lightest Lamps(lightestlamp)
映射器庫 Mapper Base (mapperbase)
金剛鸚鵡的橋樑 Macaw's Bridges (mcwbridges)
金剛鸚鵡的傢俱 Macaw's Furniture (mcwfurnitures)
金剛鸚鵡的屋頂 Macaw's Roofs (mcwroofs)
金剛鸚鵡的窗戶 Macaw's Windows(mcwwindows)
午夜 The Midnight (midnight)
創世殖民 MineColonies (minecolonies)
礦工頭燈 Miner's Helmet(mining_helmet)
採礦小工具 Mining Gadgets (mininggadgets)
雜項填加 Misc Additions (miscadditions)
突變生物 Mutant Beasts (mutantbeasts)
更好的神秘農業 Mystical Adaptations (mysticaladaptations)
神秘農業擴展 Mystical Agradditions (mysticalagradditions)
神秘農業 Mystical Agriculture (mysticalagriculture)
自然靈氣 Nature's Aura (naturesaura)
生態域指南針 Nature's Compass(naturescompass)
地獄傳送門修正 NetherPortalFix (netherportalfix)
廣藿香手冊 Patchouli (patchouli)
醃菜調整 Pickle Tweaks (pickletweaks)
波瓦科技 Powah! (powah)
進化的Boss Progressive Bosses (progressivebosses)
夸克 Quark (quark)
隨機修復 RandomPatches (randompatches)
精緻管道 Refined Pipes (refinedpipes)
精緻儲存 Refined Storage (refinedstorage)
精緻儲存附屬 Refined Storage Addons (refinedstorageaddons)
RF工具 基礎 RFTools Base (rftoolsbase)
RF工具 建造 RFTools Builder (rftoolsbuilder)
RF工具 控制 RFTools Control (rftoolscontrol)
RF工具 能量 RFTools Power (rftoolspower)
RF工具 儲存 RFTools Storage (rftoolsstorage)
RF工具 實用程序 RFTools Utility (rftoolsutility)
擴增生命 Scaling Health (scalinghealth)
寧靜的季節 Serene Seasons (sereneseasons)
寂靜裝備 Silent Gear (silentgear)
寂靜機械 Silent's Mechanisms (silents_mechanisms)
簡單農業 Simple Farming (simplefarming)
雪 真實的魔法 Snow! Real Magic! (snowrealmagic)
太陽能通量[重生] Solar Flux Reborn (solarflux)
太陽能發電 Solar Generation(solargeneration)
抽屜 Storage Drawers (storagedrawers)
簡單儲存網 Simple Storage Network (storagenetwork)
結構化 Structurize(structurize)
原版+ 工具 Vanilla+ Tools Mod (supertools)
沼澤擴充 Swamp Expansion (swampexpansion)
簡單工匠 Tetra (tetra)
蜂巢世界 The Bumblezone (the_bumblezone)
墓碑 Corail Tombstone (tombstone)
工具帶 Tool Belt (toolbelt)
火把大師 Torchmaster (torchmaster)
垃圾箱 Trash (trash)
海洋升級 Upgrade Aquatic (upgrade_aquatic)
瓦爾基麗資料庫 ValkyrieLib(valkyrielib)
原版調整 VanillaTweaks (vanillatweaks)
物品提示 Hwyla (waila)
傳送石碑 Waystones (waystones)
繪畫 Joy of Painting (xercapaint)
X網路 Xnet(xnet)